Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can take your beautifully designed website and make it stand out in the vast cityscape that is the internet. With the right keywords incorporated into your web copy, when people are looking for your services, or even just seeking answers to common questions, your website will stand out like a Frank Gehry amongst the mundane. It will invite prospects to click and explore your online presence, which is the first step to establishing a long-lasting relationship with a new prospect.

SEO helps you attract the right audience, showcase your work, and compete effectively in the digital landscape, ultimately leading to more opportunities and resulting in successful projects to add to your portfolio.

And we live an work in the Wenatchee Valley, so, if you’re looking to work with a team that truly understands your audience, you have come to the right place.

All the juicy details below – or, go ahead and…

Customized to your unique business

We don’t just throw keywords at you and expect you to know what to do with them. We thoughtfully select phrases and search terms that we know your audience will use, and then teach you how to incorporate them into your content in multiple ways across your website and beyond.

Page One

If content is King than SEO is the throne. You need one to support the other and we can teach you how. Strong keywords are the foundation, but using those keywords and phrases in your copy will truly help you show up on page one. We don’t just offer keyword research services, we can also provide you with the content creation.

WordPress SEO Packages

We offer the following unique SEO Packages crafted specifically for discerning Wenatchee Vally Businesses to be more competitive in our unique services environment.

DeluxePush Limits

With this option you get everything the intermediate plan offers but with content to help take you to the next level of optimization. We will take your keywords and write three blogs based on previously identified topics that you can post on your site.


  • = Discovery meeting
  • = Competitive analysis
  • = Keyword identification
  • = Blog topic suggestions
  • = WordPress page optimization
  • = WordPress blog page optimization
  • = Image alt-tags and descriptions
  • =Three optimized blogs provided


SEO Package

$3,600 - $8,400


With this option you get everything the basic plan offers but without the need to optimize webpages yourself. We will take your keywords and optimize each of your site pages, blog pages, and images using the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress.


  • = Discovery meeting
  • = Competitive analysis
  • = Keyword identification
  • = Blog topic suggestions
  • = WordPress page optimization
  • = WordPress blog page optimization
  • = Image alt-tags and descriptions
  • =Three optimized blogs provided


SEO Package

$2,400 - $3,600

BasicGet Started

Understand where you stand against your competitors and obtain a list of keywords that you can use to optimize your pages in WordPress. A guide will be provided so that you know how to use the Yoast SEO plugin and can do the optimization work yourself.


  • = Discovery meeting
  • = Competitive analysis
  • = Keyword identification
  • = Blog topic suggestions
  • PDo it yourself guide provided
  • = WordPress page optimization
  • = WordPress blog page optimization
  • = Image alt-tags and descriptions
  • =Three optimized blogs provided


SEO Package

$1,250 - $2,400

Ready to elevate your web presence?

To get a free consultation to assess your needs and what digital presence is best for your business, click ‘Get Started’ and provide us a few details about your goals. We’ll be happy to sit down and show how we can help you reach them!

We’ll help you assess your needs with no obligation.

$0/first conslutationOur first consult is always free!

$0/website auditWe'll assess where you are, and where you could go!